Privacy Policy

Welcome to the privacy policy page for The details specified here are in regard to the collection of data and information received from a user when they browse the website. We care about your privacy and follow all web privacy regulation best practice, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Any changes pertaining to the information provided below will be updated here accordingly when required.


"Cookies" are data files collected that document information regarding a user's visit to a website. A cookie will not identify a user as a person or individual and cookies will not give a website access to a user's computer.

Cookies are sent to a user's browser when a website is visited and can help provide a better experience for a user with regard to web browsing behaviour, allowing websites to accommodate a user's preferred browsing habits or preferences.

A browser will generally automatically be set to accept cookie data. However, any web user can change their browser and computer settings to ensure that no cookie data is collected, should they feel this is necessary. If you feel that you do want to disable your cookies, please check which browser you are using and follow their instructions to disable cookies via their setting controls (commonly found in the settings or preferences menu).

Cookies & Advertising

Cookies are also used by advertisers to serve ads to a user and can determine the type of ad shown dependent upon previous pages viewed and other websites visited.

The use of the Google DoubleClick cookie on this website enables ads to be served to web users based on visits to different websites or this website.

You can learn more about how Google uses such data with its advertising products here, including how you can control or prevent this information should you feel the need to do so.

If as a user you do not wish to be shown adverts related to your web browsing history and behaviour, please visit Google Ad Settings where you can opt out of the DoubleClick cookie. Please also be aware that you can also visit the 'About Ads' website here which provides information regarding how you can opt-out of third party vendors' usage of cookies for the purposes of user interest advertising.

Information Usage

StoreLocate does not ask for any personally identifiable information from a user that will be sold, passed on or disclosed to any third party that would allow them to contact a user directly for any commercial, sales or marketing related activity.

While personal name and email addresses are requested for all user submitted updates, or for any general website enquiries, this is solely to help with any potential verification required for the request made should any further contact with the user be required.

External Websites

StoreLocate may provide a link to an external website and where appropriate in our newsletters we provide external links to any shopping offers, tips and deals we recommend. For any external link used in this website, users should be aware that StoreLocate cannot endorse a third party's website privacy policy and a user should review any such website's privacy policy on an individual basis.

Website Logs and Analytical Data

In common with most websites, StoreLocate uses analytical software to monitor website activity. Anonymous data collected relating to a user's activity or session on the website can include: website browser, browser version, device type, computer IP address, geographical location, time and date of visit and a record of pages visited on the site, length of visit and other such data related to a user's "session" on the website.

Use of analytical data is only to help improve the website browsing experience - we do not collect any personally identifiable information in our usage of web analytical software.


If you would like further information regarding StoreLocate's privacy policy, please get in touch via our Contact Us form.